Essential Methods for lowering pH in lawn for healthier lawn
For maintaining your grass health, an essential factor is to maintain pH level for grass and soil. Sometimes your lawn pH rises because of some natural soil composition or use of any acidic nutrients. High pH may affect the growth of grass and weaken them. Also make them more susceptible to weeds. So, in this blog we will discuss some factors about lowering pH in lawn. Why pH matters and how to lower it.

pH Matters
Basically, pH level affects the availability of nutrients. If the pH level rises up, then the level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium gets affected. Soil also becomes alkaline if the nutrient level disturbed. So, that is the biggest need of lowering lawn pH. Because if you lower the pH of your lawn then, your lawn has access to the nutrients. As a result, the lawn stays healthy and lavish.
Check pH level
Before lowering pH in lawn, the foremost step is to test your lawn soil pH level and find the current pH level of your soil. You can test your soil pH by different methods. But the top most easy method to test soil is to use test kits. Test kits are the most affordable and easy methods to find pH level. But on the other hand, you can also send a sample to a laboratory and can test your soil pH level from professionals.
If you are unaware of basic information of pH level and don’t know about how to maintain pH level accurately, then it’s recommended you hire professionals for pH checking and get suggestions for how to maintain it.
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Methods of lowering pH
If your pH level, then the next step is to choose the right method according to pH level. You can also consult with professionals for selecting methods. Some methods are described below that explains you how to lower pH in lawn;
- A long lasting and most effective method to lower lawn pH is Elemental Sulfur. It takes time to adjust pH, at least a month for full adjustment. Just spread all over the lawn or use according to package instructions. Use amounts of this lowering pH amendments according to the current pH level or your lawn size.
- Another natural approach that is used in converting your pH from basic to acidic is using organic compost on your lawn. The materials that are used in compost gradually elevate the soil structure and make them acidic.
- You can also use ammonium based fertilizers. Because ammonium fertilizers give you 2 in 1 benefits. They acidify your lawn and also fertilize it. These fertilizers promote the strong growth of the lawn grass and maintain the colour of your vibrant green lawn.
- However, another home ingredient can also be used to lower pH level. You can spread coffee grounds all over the lawn gently in a sustainable way. For better results, you can also combine coffee grounds with other methods. Preferred to use coffee grounds in small areas.
Care Tips
- Avoid applying amendments on large areas. Start applying in small areas.
- Soil compaction restricts the growth. So, aerate the lawn and improve drainage of soil.
- Stop using alkaline water. Use filter water instead of hard water.
- Avoid using too much ammonium based fertilizers.
- Regularly monitor your lawn by testing it properly.
For more information related to lowering pH Lawn, you can have a look at the expert tips and guides on our Website. Experts at Perfect Green Yard provide the best solutions for your lawn care practices.