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How To Overseed Fescue Grass For Lush Lawn; Tips & Tricks

Maintaining a lush lawn is very challenging sometimes. But if you do it with proper techniques and strategies. It will become easy for you and also provide you best effective results. If your fescue grass is going with thinning, patchiness or discoloration, then overseed fescue. Because overseeding is a process which helps the grass in spreading evenly. Also helps in maintaining the lush green colour of your lawn.

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overseed fescue

Let’s Overseed Fescue

Follow Step by step guide which is described below about how to overseed a lawn, by keeping in mind tips and tricks.

Evaluate Area

Just evaluate your lawn. Like Is your fescue grass thinning? Are there any bare patches or any other weak spots? After evaluating them, put extra attention on those areas and choose treatments according to them for healthy growth.

Prepare Lawn

Now prepare the lawn for overseeding like;

  • Start preparing your lawn by mowing. Preferable mowing height is 1.5 to 2 inches in height. Mow your lawn accurately and appropriately. Make sure to not cut too low because cutting grass too low makes them susceptible for diseases. 
  • Rake up your lawn, remove all the debris like grass clingings, or thatch. Raking up helps you to clean the surface for overseed fescue.
  • Third step of preparing the lawn is to do Aeration. Because it is a must needed step as it allows the air and sunlight to reach the soil surface. Aeration improves the airflow and also promotes nutrient absorptions.

Choose Right

Must choose high quality fescue grass according to your soil pH and existing grass. Choose the blend which is suitable like if your existing grass suits more with tall fescue grass. Then choose it because it is best for durability and for high traffic areas. Fine fescue is best if your area is shady. Or if you need thick coverage for the lawn then choose creeping red fescue.

overseed fescue


Use any spreader for distributing the grass seeds evenly. Spreader helps you in even distribution. You can use a broadcaster or drop spreader according to your lawn size. If your lawn has any bare patches or a weak spot then you must pay attention to that part of the lawn which is weak for healthy growing.


Apply the starter fertilizers which contain high phosphorus content. Because applying fertilizer to the lawn according to lawn needs and requirements gives you better dense growth. Spread them evenly with a seed spreader. Do not over fertilize them as overfertilization burns the lawn.


Consistently waters your lawn. Specifically for the first two weeks to encourage germination. Water the lawn regularly. Avoid overwatering or underwatering because it suspects the grass for disease attacks. Well after seeding must water the lawn two times in the first week for good accumulation. 

Avoid Traffic

For better results, make sure that your lawn has minimal foot traffic for once they establish. But when the seeds start growing and the lawn starts again, then you can manage traffic.


Now it is the time to just sit and monitor the lawn situation occasionally. Must follow some care tips like avoid heavy traffic, continue mowing, monitor lawn for weeds. These tips help you in maintaining the grass for overseed lawn in fall.


Some care tips for maintaining healthy fescue lawn is;

  • Please make sure that seeds are evenly distributed, otherwise patchy growth occurs.
  • Fescue seed is a slow germination grass. So, you have to stay patient while growing them. 
  • Do not mow the lawn when grass height is below 3 inches. Always Mow your lawn when the grass height reaches 3 to 4 inches. 
  • Always use sharp blades during mowing. Because unsharp blades damage the tender seedling.
  • Avoid using herbicides like chemical herbicides specifically when grass is in growing stage because it damages the grass health.
  • Apply balanced fertilizer with max phosphorus content. Because phosphorus plays a role in promoting dense root growth.
  • It is best to overseed the lawn in the fall. Because fall overseeding minimises the competition of weeds.

Call To Action

If you are looking for experts who help you in maintaining your lawn. Then go and click out here. Perfect GreenYard helps you out and will provide you tips for better results.

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