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How To Make Your Yard Attractive For Deer?

You finally got your little heavenly landscape at home. Yet the challenge is to attract wildlife to your garden. Indeed, having a wildlife-friendly backyard is a great blessing and rewarding. It is a meaningful way to support a green environment.  It is fun and relaxing to view animals closely. Some homeowners use their efforts to repel deer towards their gardens. They wish to attract deer for hunting and haunting purposes.  Do you also want to attract deer to your heavenly place? There are many ways to have more deer in your yard. Effective strategies can encourage deer to make your garden their favorite spot to hang out. How to Attract Deer to Your Yard? Explore ideas and tips to see which fit your space and goals.

how to attract deer to your yard with food

How to Attract Deer to Your Yard?

Food is Best to Attract Deer

Food plots work to attract deer to your yard. You can offer them an ample food source for your land. However, deer are herbivores and they take vegetables dearly. Planting food plots with corn, soybeans and clover are useful to attract beer. It takes little effort but is well worth it to bring deer to your land.  Hence, pure and simple food is bound to attract plenty of deer. It is vital to provide food throughout the year. So, it helps to sustain deer on your property. Do not forget to maintain and replenish food sources regularly.

Water is a Basic Need for Deer

A reliable water source is the basic need of animals. Deer also need water to survive. However, a dear-friendly yard must have a reliable water source. Deer need water for bathing, and drinking especially during the hot season. Hence, you should consider creating a man-made pond and stream in your yard. You can either get water trough or refill it regularly. Ensure provide an accessible water source with good visibility as deer love to drink water from open areas. Regularly refilling the water source helps to retain and attract deer to your lovely yard.

attract deer with their favirot plants

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Hang Salt Blocks in Yard

Deer are like mineral and salt blocks. Cider and apple salt blocks are useful to string up in the garden to lure deer. However, you can easily buy mineral licks and salt from specialty stores. Put the blocks on the edge of the yard, and beside the feeder. It helps to invite deer as soon as possible to your land.

Use Deer Luring Tricks

How to Attract Deer to Your Yard? Using deer lures can be useful for homeowners to attract deer. Bucks are good lures and can encourage deer into your yard. Hunters use this trick to lure deer during hunting season. Hence, homeowners can use this trick to invite deer for viewing pleasure. You can set lure with a variety of scents that include urine and tasty foods. Even you can buy lures from stores. Usually, deer likes urine’s smell. You can spread this lure across the yard to invite deer. It boosts the chances that deer visit your land frequently.

Plant Sweet-smelling Apple Trees

Deer love apples. They cannot resist the sweet smells of apples. Hence, you can use Apple to your advantage. It is good to consider planting apple trees in your lard to lure deer. Once they arrive, they enjoy sweet apples and get shade to relax under the tree. Hence, it offers cover to deer and allows fruits to bloom throughout the summer. For growing apple trees, you can consult our team beforehand. We help to plant apple trees with proper cross-pollination methods.

Offer Shelter to Beloved Deer

After the food and water, shelter is also necessary for deer. Deer need a home to feel safe and protected from hunters. As we already mentioned, deer likes shrubby and thick areas to relax. It is useful to create a little shrubby and overgrown yard. You can also consider creating bedding areas with vegetation for deer to sleep and rest. By creating a yard that offers food, water is shelter, you can greatly attract deer easily. Make sure to consult with Perfect Greenyard before gardening so you can avoid invasive plants for animals. We help to let your tree line grow dense and get more shrubs to your yard.

Deer are beautiful creatures that also help control damage by providing the most secure environment for the lawn. We have discussed several ways designed to attract deer to the lawn in this guide. That will surely help the homeowner who is suffering from daily dog visits or other wild creatures. If the issue isn’t resolved with these helpful guides, then it’s time to seek professional help.

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