Essential Causes of Brown Spots in lawn
Are your lawn just starting to appear some brown spots? And you are worrying about it. Because you maintain your lawn in a very good condition, you take care of them with all your heart but now some brown spots in lawn are appearing. And you are searching for some reasons just to know where you are making a mistake and your lawn looks destroyed. In this blog, we will explore some details about brown spots, like which factors contribute to brown spots.

Different Factors Cause Brown spots in lawn
There are several factors in becoming brown spots in your lawn some of them are listed below to help you more conveniently understand the cause behind it:
Causes of Brown spots
If you are searching about “Why does my lawn have brown spots?” then the causes for you is described below;
Temperature Fluctuations
Maybe brown spots in your lawn are appearing due to transition seasons like temperature fluctuations. In Spring due to warm temperature, in fall due to dry conditions.If you are living in cold areas, then your grass is destroyed due to harsh weather conditions and brown spots appearing due to winter kill.
Environmental Factors
Maybe the reason is environmental pollution, poor drainage system, Acidic pH, Poor soil structure, nutrient deficiencies, or also if your lawn is near the road- then your grass also suffers due to road salt or deicing salt.
Poor Lawn Maintenance
Maybe your lawn is not maintained properly, drought stress, underwatering, attack of any fungal disease, not mowing properly, no raking up, not aerating lawn, not incorporating mulch, not clearing thatch layer also cause the grass to turn brown.
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Assess The lawn by Identifying the brown spots
- The foremost step is to find the brown spots, their location and assess their pattern of discoloration. If discoloration occurs uniformly, then brown stops happen just because of any stress or fungal disease. Or if discoloration occurs on random spots, then insect damage might be a reason for brown spots.
- If random spots in the lawn discolorize then search for the insects by inspecting grass or soil closely. Look out the thatch layer or roots for insects.
- Then it’s preferable to conduct soil tests just to check the pH level of your soil and grass. Maybe the pH of the lawn is acidic, that’s why brown spots start appearing. Or any nutrient deficiency or any other toxicity might be the reason for discoloration of the lawn.
Preventing and treating ways for brown spots
Some common ways to treat brown spots in lawn are;
- If your lawn discolorates due to drought stress. Because you under water your lawn or living in the area where rain limits then the better treating way your lawn is to water them properly and regularly. Early watering is recommended because it flourishes your lawn.
- If your lawn discolorates in a pattern form due to any fungal disease. Then apply any high quality chemical free fungicides according to the disease. It helps your lawn to maintain proper lush green colour.
- If brown spots occurred due to any pest issue, you can go for IPM strategies. IPM stands for integrated pest management. It is an environmentally sensitive approach that applies biological controls and uses insecticides. If you detect insects at an early stage it will prevent severe damages.
- Another major preventing measure for avoiding brown spots is to aerate your lawn periodically. It will allow air, water and some essential nutrients to reach out soil and help the soil and lawn in preventing disease outbreak.
Tips for lawn care maintenance
- Mow your lawn at regular height
- Fertilize your lawn with suitable fertilizer according to your lawn.
- Do soil tests periodically just to know the needs of your lawn.
- Overseed your lawn in fall or spring
- Grow grass according to your region.
- Choose drought resistant grasses if your region rains limited.
- Incorporate mulch when needed
For more details about lawn care practices and pro guide tips you can visit the home page Perfect greenyard one of the best lawn care guide and source of pro tips to get best results.