How to Overseed a Lawn in Fall: The Ultimate Guide
You love your lawn just because of their maintenance. A beautiful lawn doesn’t happen by accident. It needs proper care with smart strategies. So, one of the top smart strategies for a flourishing lawn is overseeding the lawn. If you are searching some details about How to Overseed a Lawn in Fall, then a step by step guide about it is written below;
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Overseeding Lawn in Fall
Fall is the best time for overseeding. Well if you are searching for a basic reasons about fall overseeding then the reasons are;
- Overseeding in fall promotes the grass seed germinations. It helps to reduce the stress level on existing grass.
- In fall, there is less competition with weeds. Even weeds of summer start getting dead off in the fall and the new grass just started to thrive better.
- The soil in fall is very perfect for seed growth because it is moist most of the time due to fall rains.
How to Overseed a Lawn in Fall
Some fall overseeding steps are described;
First foremost step is to evaluate your lawn. Like you have to inspect the lawn thinning grass, any bare patches or any other weak spots. After evaluating them, put extra attention on those areas for healthy growth.
Choose Grass
Now Select the best grass seed for winter overseeding. Select grass seeds which match your lawn types and climate. Look for the high quality grass seeds like Kentucky bluegrass or perennial rye grass for cool seasons. Must choose drought resistant grasses if your region faces less rain.
After selecting grass seeds according to climate. Mow your lawn about 1.5 to 2 inches in height. Mow your lawn accurately and appropriately. Make sure to not cut too low because cutting grass too low makes them susceptible for diseases.
Aeration is a must needed step because it allows the air and sunlight to reach the soil surface. It creates the small holes in soil and loosen the compacted ground. Aeration improves the airflow and also promotes nutrient absorptions.
Now it is the time to prepare the soil. Soil can be prepared after mowing and aeration. Must rake up the lawn and remove all the debris or grass clingings which may block sunlight.
If there is thatch then dethatch the lawn. For more information about dethatching you can check out other blogs of perfect greenyard related to lawn practices.
If you feel that there is a need for compost or top soil. Then add a thin layer of compost.
Use any spreader for distributing the grass seeds evenly. Spreader helps you in even distribution. If your lawn has any bare patches or a weak spot then you must pay attention to that part of the lawn which is weak for healthy growing.
Apply the fertilizers to the lawn according to lawn needs and requirements. In fall choose fertilizer which contains phosphorus because it helps in promoting the root growth. Spread them evenly with a seed spreader. Do not over fertilize them as overfertilization burns the lawn.
Water the lawn regularly. Avoid overwatering or underwatering because it suspects the grass for disease attacks. Well after seeding must water the lawn two times in the first week for good accumulation.
Now it is the time to just sit and monitor the lawn situation occasionally. Must follow some care tips like avoid heavy traffic, continue mowing, monitor lawn for weeds. These tips help you in maintaining the grass for overseed lawn in fall.
Call To Action
For more information about how to overseed a lawn in fall? Call us at Perfect GreenYard.
Why is mowing important?
Mowing is a critical factor because Appropriate mowing helps seeds to reach the soil easily and also improve the sunlight exposure.
Which season is best for fertilizing?
Fall is the best season as it promotes root development and growth. The temperature is cool in early fall, so it’s the best time to apply fertilizers.
Can I hire some professional for aeration?
Yes! You can hire some professionals for aeration specifically if you have a huge lawn. But for small areas if you want you can rent or buy an aerator.
What is the role of compost or top soil?
Compost or top soil is a thin layer which improves the soil quality and provides the nutrients to the soil for the new seedings.
Is watering important after applying fertilizer?
Watering your lawn in a specific amount is important. It helps your grass to absorb nutrients. But water only in that condition if there is no chance of rain in the next 24 hours.