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How to Find Gemstones in Your Backyard

Gemstones are rock-like stones that form under high pressure. Their formation is like minerals or crystals, and their occurrence is determined by rock structure. The chemical composition of a rock and a gemstone is equal in the formation process. When molten rock cools, the separation of elements takes place that form crystals. As a result, these crystals form gemstones. So, most jewelry laboratories use these gemstones.

how to find gemstones in your backyard

How Gemstones Formed?

Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are two major rocks for gemstone formation. Both rocks contain a high amount of gemstones. The sediment rocks contain opal and cat’s eye gems. Whereas, metamorphic rocks have a large number of rocks like topaz, olivine, and garnet. There is a huge difference between both rocks as the process varies respectively.

In sedimentary rocks, gemstones are formed through organic matter. When the organic matter is trapped and decomposes in the mud, the minerals settle. Thus, it is helpful in the formation of gemstones. In metamorphic rock, the collision of intense heat and pressure causes the transformation process i.e. metamorphism. The gemstones are present in the volcanic regions and helpful in the mountain’s interior structure. Consequently, in both the rocks, the formation of igneous rocks occurs. It includes ruby and zircon. Besides this, they are also hidden in your backyard. You can find a variety of gemstones there if you can’t see them on the surface.    

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Dig Rocks to Find Gemstones in the Backyard

It might seem odd to dig a backyard, but it works. There are many interesting gems under the backyard like diamond, ruby, quartz, jade, etc. It can be an exciting experience because many tips and tricks assist in utilizing gemstones. 

Now the question is, how to find gemstones in your backyard? First of all, it is important to determine the area through geological surveys to find information regarding gems. Secondly, the research becomes very helpful to know the conditions of that particular area. It is also crucial to know the types of rocks and minerals in order to find good gemstones.

After looking for a suitable place for digging, the major thing is to indicate the presence of colorful gemstones. Minerals like gold are often present in the veins of the rocks. That is why, it is necessary to look for veins that run through rocks.

Common Gemstones in Your Backyard

Following are the most common gemstones that one may find in the backyard. 


These kinds of gemstones are reddish and brownish in their appearance. They are most probably found in the backyard because of their prevalent color. The people of the Western US can easily get this gemstone in their backyard.


Opal is the most precious gemstone and is also rare like diamonds. However, this stone comes in many colors, such as purple, white, black, pink, or green. It is a silica mineral with beautiful quality. Plus, California and Oregon are famous for these gemstones. The opal is the best stone for jewelry.


This gemstone is hardly present today as it has a long history. Ancient Rome became popular because of garnet. Although it is associated with a dark red color. But they also come in yellow, pink, or black colors. Garnets are reasonable in their prices. That is why jewelers use this stone in making jewelry. Most commonly, people can find these gemstones in Colorado, Utah, and Idaho.


Last but not least, quartz is a common form of gemstone. It is colorless because of its purest form. But its impurities give vibrant colors to the gemstone. It is the least expensive and can be shaped in different forms like sculptures. Quartz is mostly common in a few states of America.

While a person is digging in the backyard to find gems, must remember to follow the rules told by geologists. Because the gemstones are precious in their formation. Plus, be respectful to the environment as well. Avoid any harm to disturb the natural habitats.  

Bottom Line

Finding gemstones from the backyard is the practice of ancient times. When people spend days on the lawns to find gemstones, you can also find them in your backyard. Follow this guide that will give you guaranteed results. Or for more literature regarding lawns and their activity Perfectgreenyard is a best source of information.

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