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How Often Aerate Lawn?

To maintain your lawn, many perspectives are involved in lawn care. A bright and lush green lawn is the pride of any lawn owner. So, lawn aeration is one of the important perspectives that is used in lawn care. It mainly performs functions to perforate the soil with small holes to allow the soil elements to penetrate deeply into the roots of the grass.

how often aerate lawn

Aeration can be performed with various tools. This method not only provides benefits to the grass but also improves and enhances the soil health. This for sure reduces the danger of growing thick thatch and they promote microbial activity. These channels help the grass to take breath in the open air. As they increase the oxygen level and encourage root development.

Most professionals recommend for flourished lawns to aerate them at least once in a year. But it depends on the lawn condition and their usage. It works amazing if you aerate during the growing seasons because grass is growing quickly and recover very rapidly in the growing seasons.

About Lawn Aeration:

For lawn care, AERATION is a vital step. But their right timing, and right quantity matter a lot. If you are worried because you have no idea about how often you aerate your lawn. No more worries! In this article, we will delve more into it and uncover the facts about lawn aerating frequency.

Before you consider the frequency of aeration, it’s best to understand when aeration is necessary.


  • If your soil feels hard and compact
  • If thatch starts to build
  • If water started to run on the lawn
  • If the grass becomes patchy and thin
  • If heavy clay soil is detected
  • If your lawn used as a playground too

It’s vital to perform aeration after these symptoms. Even aerating also works efficiently if you perform after dethatching. Aerate your lawn when you notice any of these symptoms. Choose the right time (during the growing season), select the proper equipment (spike or plug aerator), prepare your lawn by mowing, locate the scatter heads, and start aerating by running the aerator over the area in a specific pattern.

During aerating put your full focus on any defected area. Then water and fertilize your lawn and monitor your lawn periodically.

The frequency of aerating depends on the soil type, lawn usage, environment, and grass type. These all factors are different for every lawn. So, before aerating it’s important to check all the factors. (You can call professional from Perfect Green Yard; they will monitor your lawn’s condition and will provide you exact and recommended frequency rate of aerating)

Like if your soil is in clay form. It may compact in only one turn, but if your soil is sandy, it may require 2 to 3 times aeration. If your lawn is used as a playground, it needs 2 to 3 times aeration. Same with the grass type- your grass condition, their root structure will tell you whether it may compact in one turn of aerating or not.

This simple and efficient process elevates your lawn’s beauty and maintains the lawn health. For more information contact Perfect Green Yard

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